Deep Space Airships features a number of chat commands. Many of these features can be accessed using menus, but using commands is often faster.
- Broadcasts the message to other ships in the zone./save
- Immediately save your ship./invite
- Attempts to copy the ship's invite link to your clipboard, and writes it to your chat./kick [NAME]
- Kick a user by name. Suggests online users./ban [NAME]
- Ban a user by name. Suggests online users./lockdown [TIME]
- Adds time to the lockdown timer. Omitting the argument will add a minute. Suffixes can be used -- '10m' will add 10 minutes to the timer. If no suffix is used, the command defaults to seconds. Save / Loading the ship will reset the timer./lock [TIME]
- Alias of /lockdown
- Change your character's appearance.These cheat commands can only be used in the test server. They may be disabled in certain zones within the test server.
- Toggle noclip mode./slew
- Toggle ship noclip mode./home
- Teleports the ship home.Replies have been disabled.